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Explanation of Services

Your Home pet care (1-3 visits per day)

Is a wonderful, safe and peaceful alternative for the pet who deserves more than a kennel cage. Allows your pet to remain in the comfort of his or her own home while receiving professional and loving companionship on a daily basis. This service is perfect for pets who need the security of familiar surroundings and for owners who need the convenience and peace of mind. A complete package of pet and home care services are also provided at no extra charge. (30-40 minutes per visit)

House Sitting Service (Live-in care)

This exclusive service is the ultimate alternative to kennels, offering your pampered pet premium, around the clock comprehensive care. Your pet receives overnight companionship in the comfort of his or her own home and you receive maximum home security benefits. This service is ideal for pets who need constant companionship, supervision and full-time love. Its also a favorite for the pet who relies upon the warmth and affection of an overnight companion to feel safe and secure. It is extremely popular for rescue pets, puppies or kittens, senior pets, pets who have a difficult time when left alone, or pets with special health care needs. Chris is skilled in caring for pets with medical problems and has extensive experience in providing interim care for sick, injured and recuperating pets. A complete package of pet and home care services are also provided at no extra charge.

Both Services Include:

  • Individualized pet care plans tailored to the unique needs of each pet
  • Conscientious care of your pets and home
  • Fresh food, water and treats
  • Pampering, brushing and cuddle sessions
  • Playtime, exercise and neighborhood dog walks
  • Encouraging a stimulating and fun-filled environment
  • Providing creative and innovative pet games
  • Monitoring of pet's health, safety and emotional well-being
  • Maintaining daily routines and feeding schedules as consistently as possible
  • Administering Veterinarian prescribed medication and supplements
  • Maintaining cleanliness of pets bedding and feeding areas
  • Clean-up of litter box and indoor pet "accidents"
  • Indoor and deck / patio plant care
  • Mail, newspaper and package pick-up
  • Alternating lights, curtains and blinds to create a lived-in look
  • Setting garbage, yard waste and recycling out to curb
  • Pet & home care checklist and pet report card
  • Pet health & activity report and updates on your pet by phone or notes
  • Confirmation of travel start and end dates and times
  • Follow-up phone call confirming owners safe return
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