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Chris' Biography

About Chris McVarish, Ph.D.

Credentials and Qualifications

  • Insured, Bonded, and Licensed
  • Over 20 years experience providing professional pet care
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
  • Dissertation on the therapeutic benefits of pet companionship
  • Excellent references from veterinarians and long-time clients
  • 30 glowing letters of recommendation from satisfied pet owners
  • Member of Pet Sitters International since 1995
  • Animal Advocacy and Volunteer Work

  • Rescuer of lost, stray or injured cats, dogs, rabbits and birds
  • Volunteer for Redmond Rabbit Rescue Coalition
  • Volunteer for San Francisco SPCA (Cat and Kitten Foster Parent Program)
  • Created and implemented Pet Facilitated Therapy Program
  • Cared for feral cat colonies (feeding, socializing, rehabilitation)
  • Assisted with humane trapping of feral cats for spay and neuter
  • Volunteer for Seattle's Citizens for Cruelty-Free Entertainment
  • On-going commitment and involvement in animal rights issues
  • Board member for Cause Four Paws (Nonprofit for animal protection & welfare)
  • Animal-Related Affiliations
    Chris donates to the following organizations that protect animal welfare:

  • Whatcom Humane Society
  • People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
  • PETA Investigations and Research fund (monthly donor)
  • In Defense of Animals
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund
  • Cause Four Paws
  • Site Created by Thinkbox Design